Saturday Brunch with these Cuties

The frigid air outside inspires us to stay inside these days, but not without lovely company. Last Saturday, our dear friends joined us for a long overdue brunch and their sweet daughters, Molly & Kenzi, who you’ve seen on my blog before, brightened up our morning!







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The Houston Four | Ferguson Family | Houston, TX

Back in November, we left the cold behind and flew down to Houston to visit my older brother and his family! It was so beautiful there and what trip would be complete without a photo session or two?! During our stay, we headed to one of Houston’s beautiful parks for a real “Family” session and had a blast. Can’t wait until our next visit! Next time, we’ll have a baby in tow! Enjoy some of my favorite shots of my nephews and my brother and his wife below.



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Staying Cool This Winter

These amazing girls have been a part of my life for years now, and it’s still hard for me to believe they’re now in college! Both are incredibly bright, compassionate, and beautiful inside and out. I am so proud of them! Like always, this past visit we had a lovely time together catching up and sharing about our lives.

During the visit, we bundled up and ventured out into the cold for some good photo shoot fun. We were FREEZING, but they were great sports and posed like fashion models for me. Trendy ombre hair and investing in stylish winter coat are how these girls stay cool all winter long. Here are some of my favorites from our shoot together!

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A Special Bond | Leavitt Family | Silver Creek

This pair has been a part of my life for over 10 years, and their family has enriched my life in so many ways. Lisa has watched me grow and change from a high school volunteer to an expectant mother, and her love and mentorship have always helped light my way. Our annual partnership in ministry at Courtney Street has served as a strong bond that reunites us each summer. After our week together this summer, we went to the beach and just as the sun was setting, this duo posed beautifully for me! Here are some of my favorites of Lisa and her daughter, Olivia.

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